NEMT and Scottish National Parks
NEMT Submission to SNH
- We welcome the opportunity to comment on the creation of the missing top-tier designation of land in Scotland;
- North East Mountain Trust support the SWCL discussion paper
Protecting Scotland's Finest Landscapes and the earlier CCS paper Mountain Areas of Scotland;
- The English pattern of National Parks is inappropriate for Scotland.
- To conserve natural heritage for future generations while encouraging sustainable rural communities;
- Permanent protection of the finest wild land in Scotland;
- To achieve the highest available World Heritage Designation for each area.
- Extensive and diverse areas, including the marine environment;
- The whole Cairngorms Partnership Board Area requires protection;
- Within the Cairngorms area there are very different needs: fragile, core plateau, surrounding hills and rural communities;
- Zoning necessary with different controls in each area;
- National ownership is neither practical nor required;
- Meaningful powers and adequate funding
are required;
- A single independent body should have complete planning powers (incl. forestry, agriculture and tracks);
- The same body to have on-going control of activities within the Park;
- National Standards - allows thematic approach across all Scottish NP;
- Local Implementation - allows local needs to be addressed;
- Integration with existing designations (simplify and strengthen existing powers);
- Balance of interests, but above all conserve our natural heritage;
- Substantial - level of funding will reflect political importance
and determine outcome;
- Cost to be shared by the nation as part of the benefit extends
beyond the local population;
- Some diversion of funds may be possible, but new money also
- Regulation of all activities, but minimise restrictions whenever possible;
- Priorities (balance):
- Wildlife biodiversity: Retain SSSI and habitat directives;
- Landscape conservation;
- Honeypot
- inherent attraction of area not status;
- new powers should help manage the problem;
- Remedial work required including forestry and control of grazing
- Avoid on-going development year on year;
- Rural revival;
- Provision of facilities to encourage investment detracts from
wild nature of area;
- Beware Theme Park;
- Recreational provision (demand likely to continue to rise);
- Some fees likely and possible use of permits;
- Promotion of area to encourage tourism detracts from wild
nature of area;
- Interim measures are required to protect the areas already announced.
Donald Thomas, Ken Forbes, Carl Morris, 14th March 1998
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