Aberdeenshire Council Access Strategy

The document to which this applies is the "Aberdeenshire Countryside Access Strategy'', February 1998. This was the second draft of the framework document covering lowland areas and access close to settlements. NEMT replied for two reasons, firstly that the lowland areas include the coast, which is within our remit, and secondly, that it is important that the ground rules for access are sorted out before the next stage, which will be the uplands.
  1. Introduction
  2. Scope of Strategy
  3. Key Aims
  4. Policy Background
  5. Topics
    (a) Methods of Securing Access

    (b) Access for All
    (c) Promotion
    (d) Awareness
    (e) Maintenance
    (f) Tourism
    (g) Health, Safety and Liability
  6. Implementation and Resources
    Why is Aberdeen City not included as this is where most walkers find restriction of access. Deeside is not obviously included. The area needs to be more clearly circumscribed. Its relationship to adjoining areas needs to be made clear to integrate longer distance routes together.
  7. Monitoring
  8. Programme and Funding

Ken Forbes 2nd June 1998

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