The Annual Public Meeting of COAT was held in Lonach Hall, Strathdon on Thursday
16th September with a good turn out of around 45 attending.
The meeting opened with an illustrated talk by Ewan Thain, the West Cairngorms Access Officer telling us about COAT's work over the last year and Dougie Baird, the Trust Manager followed with a review of COAT's plans for the year ahead.
This was followed by a question and answer session looked after by COAT's Chairman, Mr Peter Ord. The point was raised that besides the local communities, who have the good fortune to be resident in the Park, there is another level of community who live and work in the North East and value Cairngorms as their second home where they take most, if not all of their recreation.
As noted in our Strategic Plan, and as mentioned by Dougie Baird in his presentation, NEMT is in discussion with COAT about how NEMT volunteers we can help promote and develop their work in such areas as their 'Adopt a Path' and 'Walk for Health initiatives'.
With the announcement in June this year of COAT securing a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £720,000 towards the £2.1 million Cairngorms Mountain Heritage project to repair 94km of eroded mountain paths, there is plenty going on in COAT. Readers can find out more by visiting COAT's website.
Dougie Baird presented our NEMT November lecture.
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