
At the April Council meeting, it was agreed that a small group should review the current Strategic Plan and consider whether it should be revised and updated.
The group consisting of George Allan, Jasmine Cameron, Sandy McIntosh & Dave Windle met on 30th July and decided that the existing plan was fit for purpose and not in need of updating. The key points of the discussion are noted below.

Discussion Points

Other NGOs
The relationship between the NEMT and other NGOs was explored. It was reaffirmed that the primary purpose of the NEMT should be to focus on the North East, both coastal and mountainous areas and leave national issues, e.g. climate change, to the national NGOS. However, it is recognized that working with other NGOs is potentially a powerful way of taking forward local issues, e.g. the work at a national level on hill tracks, the JMT campaign on wild land and the proposed MCofS campaign on not siting wind farms in areas of landscape significance. It was agreed that NEMT should continue to take an interest in developments elsewhere in mountainous areas but as a lesser priority.

Priorities for the coming winter season should be:

As one way of increasing focus on these priorities, it was agreed that they should be on the agenda for all Council meetings and come first.

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