Dave Windle


As we move towards a more sustainable, low-carbon, electricity supply, we need to provide energy storage. The subject is of interest to hillwalkers because the favourite option at the moment for medium term storage is pumped hydroelectricity, typically sited in our mountain areas. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the technical terms and arguments.

Storage is needed for different reasons

Daytime demand in the UK is about 35 - 40 GW and nighttime demand is about 25 - 30GW. It is worth noting that because a wind farm will generate electricity, effectively for free, the price of electricity will fall to very low levels when demand is subdued, and the wind is blowing. Already, if you have a smart meter, you can charge your electric car or tumble dry your washing between 24.00 and 06.00 for less than a third of the daytime price of electricity. Medium term storage helps to balance demand across the twenty four hour cycle, reducing the overall cost to the consumer. This picture is likely to change as the proportion of electric cars on the roads increases and nighttime electricity demand grows to meet the car battery charging load.

Types of electricity storage