Since handing over £20,000 in 2007, doubled to £40,000 by Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), the Loch of Strathbeg has changed beyond all recognition. Spend a day exploring at Starnafin and the 3 hides bolting on a walk to The Ron lighthouse off Rattray Head.
Thanks to loyal support of many NEMT members, and members of SWT, SOC, NTS, RSPB, RSGS, Cairngorm Club and Saltire Society, and many individual supporters, our funds are climbing back up again. Hopefully by the time RSPB present their next Grant Application, which will probably involve de-silting the loch, well be able to repeat our previous donation. So please go out your way to chose Friends of Strathbeg when buying your bird food and nest boxes!
On the subject of Nest Boxes here are a few tips:
Editor's Note: For readers questioning why this is appearing in Mountain Views (yes, there will be some!) Bill Craigie, who has written it for us does an excellent job in co-ordinating the evening NEMT RSPB, Saltire, SWT etc lectures on what we call "The Craigie List" and yes, you;ll find his Bird Food List on the back. He is also a good source of second hand mountaineering books!
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