Ken Thomson
The previous issue of Mountain Views (p. 11) recorded the submission of an application by the National Trust of Scotland to refurbish Derry Lodge as a staffed mountain hostel. This application was considered by the Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning Committee on 18 November 2016, with the NTS's agent (from Bell Ingram) and planning consultant in attendance. According to the minutes of the meeting, answers to questions put to the agent during the meeting included the following:
The Committee
was pleased that the application addressed a longstanding challenge and several
ongoing visitor management issues. It also noted that the representations made
by commentators were supportive of the proposed development (as was the views
of the NEMT). The Committee agreed to approve the application, subject to conditions
detailed in the report. These Conditions include:
A front porch will be re-instated, and the building behind the Lodge (a larder/hay barn) is to be converted to a biomass plant room and log store biomass store, using the existing corrugated iron roof as far as possible, with solar panels on the south side.
Development must commence within 3 years of issue of the decision note, and construction work must take place between 8am and 7pm Mondays to Fridays (1pm on Saturdays), with no work on Sundays or on Bank Holidays. Of course, the project will be expensive; it is not yet known if NTS will launch as specific fund-raising drive.
application considered by the Committee
minutes of the Committee's meeting
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